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Pass on What Matters to Those Who Matter Most ®


Create a Free Account

Create a free account with Echodify to pass on what matters to family, friends, and favorite organizations by creating and sending echoes, shouts, and virtual legacies. You must be at least 13 years of age and physically located in the United States or Canada to register at this time. We are working to accept registrations of those in other countries, so please check back with us.
Organizations Click Here
lock Consult our Privacy Policy to read how we safeguard your data including lock lock double encryption, and that we never share or sell your data.
Echodify Agreement Version 1.0.b Effective July 7, 2024 00:00:00 EST
By clicking create, I agree to Echodify's current Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, which have been designed to provide the best experience while protecting privacy. I also declare I am at least fourteen (14) years-of-age and I am physically located in the United States or Canada.

I also agree Echodify may send me text messages to the phone number I provided above containing multi-factor authentication (MFA) codes each time I log in to Echodify, that this may incur extra charges according to my own phone plan, and that I can opt-out of MFA once my account is created even though it is unadvised.
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Echodify's Cookie Policy
Echodify uses cookies mainly to make our website work and to learn a little about you in a non-intrusive way. We also use third-party services like Google Analytics, YouTube, and PayPal. Our carefully chosen cookies allow us to give you the best possible experience.

We honor your privacy and right to choose among the following preferences. Learn more by reading our Cookie Policy within our Terms of Service (defaults to essential only). Clicking the "x" to close this notice also accepts all.